Redundancy Outplacement Support

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The economic impact of coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown is deep, wide-ranging and no respecter of history or reputation.

We have worked closely, providing support services such as outplacement workshops, with a number of clients who have had to implement redundancies and there is no doubt that a professional and considered approach to assisting those affected find new roles pays dividends in terms of the whole process, the employer’s reputation and morale of remaining staff.

Key Points:

  1. Redundancy affects all of the workforce not just those leaving
  2. Redundancies handled badly can make it more difficult to recruit when business improves
  3. Many employees will have long service and little or no recent experience in preparing CVs and applying for jobs.
  4. Very often graphic designers produce the worst CVs
  5. Job seekers need to understand:
    • Transferable skills and what makes them attractive to employers
    • How to prepare a good CV
    • How to prepare and ace an interview

Our redundancy/outplacement support service is provided on a not for profit basis. The service can support a few individuals up to entire staffs.

Take a look at our guide – Dealing with Redundancy: Moving Forward.

Contact us to discuss how we can tailor a support plan for your business.