A Decade in Packaging
This year we at Mercury are celebrating our 10th anniversary. Recruiting across all sectors of packaging we have seen dramatic change in the last decade. The industry has seen major structural change and consequently new roles have been created, business models have shifted with emphasis on different roles and skill…
Attributes of a Star Sales Person
There are many factors contributing to making a star salesman For certain it is not the “gift of the gab”. Typical examples of poor sales people are the “order taker” or the “hard sell operator” The best sales people understand and base their actions on the value proposition, put simply…
Age Discrimination
The new law, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 has the following Impact: It will be unlawful on the grounds of age to: Discriminate Directly – that is threat someone less favourably because of their age Discriminate Indirectly – That is to apply conditions or restrictions which in practice disadvantage…