CV Blunders Harm Your Chances of Securing Employment
CVs are something of a pet subject of mine and with poor CVs hitting the headlines, and indeed BBC Breakfast, this week I couldn’t resist getting on my soapbox again. In the news is a report based on polls of almost 200 careers advisers from the National Careers Service and…
Packaging Professionals of the Future
It is the vanity of every generation to think their era is in some way special and that they face the greatest challenges. However there are a number of outside influences bearing down on the industry which mean that today’s and, perhaps more importantly, tomorrow’s packaging professionals need a different…
Packaging Industry risks sabotaging future with redundancies
When times are tough redundancies may be necessary but the packaging industry faces very specific challenges, which mean perhaps redundancy should be a last resort. The first quarter of 2011 saw recruitment reach levels not seen since 2007 and the 2nd quarter is following a similar pattern. However there are…
Recruitment issues in packaging. – Overview
Recruitment Issues The boundaries of what constitutes the packaging industry can be difficult to pin down with significant overlap with print and engineering sectors. However whichever way you look at it it’s a big sector. Some estimates place Packaging as the 9th largest manufacturing industry in the UK, turning over…
How much is Sick Note Culture costing you?
The cost of Sick Note Culture… It could be as much as several weeks for pay per employee or 6% of your payroll costs! These are dramatic numbers and set against this background, the Government is about to launch a review into sickness absence with a focus on getting people…
Social and business etiquette
Social / business etiquette Industry gatherings are fairly frequent and picking your way through acceptable etiquette can be a bit of a minefield. A lot depends on why you are there and who you are. Clearly if you are independently wealthy and have no intention of pursuing new ventures…
Temporary Workers in the Print Industry
Temporary workers in the Print Industry are a common practice. The shift toward leaner operations means that many print companies have to flex manning to cope with peak demand. Typically their options are either overtime or using temporary workers. Where the demand is very time specific, very often overtime is…
Print Industry: What does the future hold?
Print Industry: What does the future hold? We are often asked how the industry is evolving, what to the landscape likely to be like and where will MD’s of the future come from? When looking at the future of the print industry and what the MD of the future is…
Flexible Working
Could flexible working be more accepted in future work environments? Contrary to popular belief Flexible working is not limited to traditional notions of flexi-time. In fact, there are 14 officially recognised forms of flexible working and where appropriate these can bring benefits to employer and employees alike. Clearly, in environments…
Career Transitioning
Structures, roles and responsibilities, not to mention culture are very different in large and small companies. Roles are more tightly defined in large companies whereas people may have to do a bit of everything in smaller organisations. Employers can be wary of people from different environments eg do those from…