A Decade in Packaging
This year we at Mercury are celebrating our 10th anniversary. Recruiting across all sectors of packaging we have seen dramatic change in the last decade. The industry has seen major structural change and consequently new roles have been created, business models have shifted with emphasis on different roles and skill…
how to develop the perfect employee
Have you heard the one about the perfect candidate? All the right skillsets Intimate knowledge of your products, your business and markets Innovative based on a knowledge and experience of a broad range of technologies, products and market sectors And yet up to speed on day one with no requirement…
Lying on your CV
It seems not a year goes by without a media storm about people lying on CVs and job applications. High profile cases such as those seen on TVs The Apprentice do little to help. The public is at once outraged and seemingly accepting the “everyone is at it so a…
Attributes of a Star Sales Person
There are many factors contributing to making a star salesman For certain it is not the “gift of the gab”. Typical examples of poor sales people are the “order taker” or the “hard sell operator” The best sales people understand and base their actions on the value proposition, put simply…
The prevention of Illegal Working – Immigration, Asylum and nationality act 2006
On 29th February 2008 the law changes to further prevent illegal working. The changes introduce a civil penalty, for employers, of up to £10,000 per worker but also identify key documents to check to prove individuals eligibility for work. Documentary evidence that these documents have been checked and show the…
Comment on above inflation pay settlements in January 2007
General Comment “Of course everyone aspires to at least maintaining and hopefully improving their standard of living. However the pressure in the market remains, particularly with competition from low cost countries and over-capacity in some sectors. The potential risks of above inflation pay awards are two-fold. Obviously there is the…
Age Discrimination
The new law, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 has the following Impact: It will be unlawful on the grounds of age to: Discriminate Directly – that is threat someone less favourably because of their age Discriminate Indirectly – That is to apply conditions or restrictions which in practice disadvantage…